Looking for guild for Dragonflight

Searching for my home for DF.
Wanting AOTC/midcore-mythic but Non-CE. Life comes first mentality. Bring the person, not the class.
Guild must be active when content hasn’t been out for 17 months.
Push keys at least once a week.
PvP would be nice, but not a deal breaker.

I’ve been:
4/12M in Ny’Alotha
1/8M in Eternal Palace
8/8H in BoD
10/10H CN
9/10H SOD
8/11H SoFO
Pugged all of SL, didn’t play much in S4 aside from keys.
2300io SL S2
2800io SL S3
2300io SL S4

Maining Monk for Dragonflight, with shaman or Priest alts.
Look forward to chattin’ with yall!

Hello friend, “insert recruiting message”. Please join us in discord for a “no expectations” get to know us session. We will be raiding tonight at 7pm pst if you are interested. Please message me on discord @: Valdryk#5620

Hey there! I’m the GM of HR Department a newly formed lead guild for an established cross-server community. (Guild based on Silver Hand). We are an AOTC and M+ group focused on building a collaborative and inclusive environment.

We raid Wed/Thurs nights from 8-11ET (5-8PT). If you think we might be a fit, you can reach me on disc at Ky#8778.

Our longer description is available here

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