Essentially i’ve played wow for over 13 years, I’m a british chap who now lives in the usa.
I just moved to the USA (Yay) but due to time difference i can no longer raid in EU as they are 5 hours ahead. Which obviously means i cant do 2pm raids anymore.
Due to blizzards dog rules, i cant swap my account over. So i need to start fresh.
My progress on EU is
8/8 Normal
7/8 Heroic
Parses consistent of 75 or above with a highest Dungeon parse of 97 on BM hunter.
2.2k Mythic + Rating also
Whatever class i main, I sit and learn. You’ll find me at target dummys, In the class discords, Simming every possible gear piece. I’m comitted.
Here are my EU logs thusfar.
Season 1 Mythic
Cedronas - EU Tarren Mill
Cedronas - EU Tarren Mill
Normal TWW Raid
Cedronas - EU Tarren Mill
Heroic TWW Raid
Cedronas - EU Tarren Mill
As you can see i consistently parse above 75 with a average of 76.2 in Heroic raiding and Parsing a 97 within Mythic plus.
I’m a good raider, But having to basically start again 4 weeks into a expat isn’t fun nor is it easy to find a guild and convince them i’m not a armless moron who can’t play.
In return you get a 100% punctual, experienced and well established raider.
I currently have the following character levelled on US servers
Hunter (607 ilvl)
Mage (604 ilvl)
The rest are Fresh 80s
But i’m happy to play ANYTHING thats needed.
I’m happy to adapt to the needs of the guild and main that character as needed, Im versatile and know all raid tactics up to 8/8 HC.
I have a history of raiding to a high level, Raiding with the guild Echoes back in WOTLK (Back when i lived off Dr Pepper, 3 hours sleep and played 12 hours a day!)
Looking for a guild to see my abilitys within raiding and give me a chance by helping me get back to where i was
discord - styler. (With the dot)
Battlenet - Styler#21925