Looking for guild CST/EST 8pm/9pm start time

I am looking for a guild who’s raids begin about 9pm EST/8pm CST. Currently on windseeker but can transfer. I have a few 60 characters, tank priest and Hunter. My current guild is great, they just raid too early for my schedule.

Vindication is recruiting . We are a 1 day / week raiding guild and have core members that have played together since Vanilla. With significant experience in raid leadership, both in vanilla and retail, we focus on efficiency in raiding and PVP. Our goal is to maximize our time usage in raids as well as hold all members accountable for pulling their own weight. We also strive to maintain a strong PVP presence within the guild and on the server. We are recruiting PVPers for premades!

We are clearing MC and Onyxia well within our allotted raid time, and will schedule a half hour during the week for an Onyxia kill if the reset does not coincide with our raid schedule. We have long term veterans and new players to classic and all are welcome who are willing to learn and put their best foot and attitude forward in every raid.

Sunday Raid : We bring a dynamic loot system with the use of lootlist that gives all members with good attendance equal access to attaining gear without the trouble of dkp banking and the bias of loot council.

Monday Raid : Priority roll system derived from our lootlist system that equally distributes loot amongst all raiders.

SUNDAY Raid Team: 8pm-12mid, EST
MONDAY Raid Team: 8pm-12mid, EST

Open recruiting need **Exceptional DPS and PVPers **

Sunday raid is full - but always looking for exceptional players

Monday raid is recruiting:
Druid - low
Hunter - med
Mage - low
Priest - med(heal)
Rogue - high
Shaman - high (heal)
Warrior - med(dps)
Warlock - med

Discord Contacts : Choppa X@8934 Gorgrath#7230 Abatu#9180 ThatGuyTace#4354

Discord: hhAzPYZ
Our application can be found in the guild-info channel

Check us out: [A][Atiesh] <Sibling Rivalry> Friends/Families/Groups | 19/19 Raiding - #28 by Grastaff-atiesh

Contact me in game if interested.

have a look and see what ya think :slight_smile: Would love to chat with you if there is some interest. Thanks!

Hi Afect! is on Pagle, we’re an old Vanilla team (aka Underscore) who cleared Naxx back in the day. If you have an experienced background and interested in 1 night/week raids pls feel free to contact me! More info: No longer recruiting TY

Are you looking to play hardcore?

if you’re alliance and want to know more let me know! We are pretty laid back but looking to kill bosses quickly in progression.

[A] Stalagg - Population Control - DKP loot

Naxx experienced leadership.

Raid Times: Monday / Wednesday Invites at 8:00 PM EST first pull 8:30 PM EST