Good evening.
unfortunately, i changed servers to play with a friend and his guild. However, it didn’t had space for me so I got left out of everything.
Got my progression done by solo and Pugs, but I miss having a guild to play with that would embrace me and includes me, because, WoW is frickin hard to play solo.
So, if you have space for a Bro, who is part time scholar in Brazil, part time Dungeon Master / wow player, and have a spot in your Core, pls invite me.
I don’t mind having to re-do normal, but i’m also available to push to mythic, given the chance.
Currently 200ilvl, hunter, 10/10 N / 3/10 H.
Can raid from Tuesday to Thursday.
anything from 6pm - 10 pm EST
Yes, I’m brazillian, yes I can speak fluently in english and spanish (when sober), yes I can change servers ASAP.