Looking for Gen-X, over 30+ Guild! Pve, Est? <3


My name is Maegn. I am looking for a PVE guild with some raiding and BGs for fun. I am specifically looking for a fun guild with a majority of players over 30!

I played through WotLK in Vanilla and miss the social aspect and “family feeling” of WoW! I am hoping to find that again with Classic Wow! <3

I am in Georgia, USA, and would prefer an EST-based guild. PVE or PVP server is fine- either way, though I am much slower than I used to be and am now preferring PVE. :slight_smile:

I have been leveling up Alliance PVE chars on Pagle, but the server is FULL and is hard to log into!

My preferred classes will be Hunter and Shadow Priest. :slight_smile:

I am happy to run Horde! My Vanilla characters were all Horde. I sorta miss the Barrens in a very Masochistic way! <3

Thanks for reading and have fun! <3


We at are a mature group of PVE / PVPers We have a really solid group and looking to add quality people to the ranks. We would definitely love to talk to ya if you were interested. We have been organizing this guild since May and are nearing 60.

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I don’t think you can miss the Barrens in any other way. I personally don’t like desert environments in games, lol.

Hey come check out [Masochistic Tendencies] on Pagle! :slight_smile: Our guild has been around in retail since the days of Wrath, and all the OG members playing classic are all over 30. (I’m actually over 40 o.0)

We’re a casual fun guild looking for more for leveling shenanigans and debauchery. Anyone in the guild can invite so feel free to poke a member.



Hey Maegn,

I think you’d be a good fit for our guild, most of our members are 25+ with the leadership in the late 20’s early 30’s. We could use 1 dedicated shadow priest if you were really serious. Take a look at the thread below and let me know what you think.

Hi Maegn!

I think that we are what you are looking for. Here is a link to our guild recruitment statement <Rusty Ranch Raiders> [A] [NA] [PVE] Pagle. Our guild is linked to a Discord called Rusty Ranch. Most of us are over 25 with quite a few in the 30s and 40s. We have a lot of experience in different games include WoW vanilla and expansions. The server is more CST based, but we have players in EST as well, one in particular in your state.

I hear you about the queue times on Pagle but i’m hoping they will get better - i’ve noticed some decent times here lately, hope that stay that way!

Right now our focus is on leveling and building the guild and having fun and being social in discord. We will get to raiding in the very near future and BGs (when they get here). As far as questing and leveling goes, we typically group up and do it together and chat on Discord as we go along - makes things more enjoyable and easier to share the fun and laughs.

We are looking for players of all specializations and would love to have your hunter and spriest join us. And if your interested in leadership of any kind, let me know.

Hope to hear from you soon!

BattleTag: fio012#1360 or MereServant#1451

Discord: fio#6069 or 5LLDude#9079

Hey - Nerds of Prey on Mankrik might fit your needs. We’re a mature group of players that plans on a very casual raid schedule (1-2 short weeknights starting at 10pm EST and 1 longer raid on Saturday night 10pm-1am EST). We’re all mature adults, I don’t believe we have anyone under 30 as most of us played Vanilla 15 years ago :slight_smile:

Kazenokami#1111 if you have any more questions about us!

If you are still looking for a guild, I’ll throw my hat into the ring…