Looking for fun guild

hello, im just wondering if there are any guilds out there looking for members yet, faction isn’t really an issue as I did both already when classic was out. ideally almost any night for raids work but would like to be done raiding by 10-10:30 pm est. ive played most classes up thru to bfa. planning to main a mage or a hunter of which I already did in classic before. looking for fun people that want to progress at a decent rate but server firsts are not a requirement or even need to be close if the guild is fun and everyone is happy at the rate we progress at.

im avail most nights and l plan to level fairly fast so I can assist others with dungeon and key runs, preferably pve server. if I look like I may fit what you have planned please let me know. ty for your time.


We would love to have you : ) We are taking our time and enjoying the ride. We will be completing all of the content, but we are not rushing to the end. If you are interested, just click the link below, and read over our message. Then just simply add me to your friends list and I’ll send you our Discord link.

ill look you up tonight after work:)

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I’m gonna wait til the game goes live before I join a guild.


Thank you, and please do. We are exactly what you are looking for, and we have a great diversity of players.

sent battletag request

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Did you send it to Maxxgold#1846 ? I’m not seeing it.

I did a few mins ago, let me check

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Ok, I got it, thank you!!!

thank you :slight_smile:

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