Looking for fun guild, Horde or Alliance, willing to server transfer

Good morning!! I would love to get a chance to talk with you. We are looking to keep building our raid team and our m+ team. We raid wed thur 9-1130est (8-1030) server time. Our plan is to just raid heroic and form our team for dragon flight. When we get our numbers out jumping into mythic in s4 is something we wouldnt mind. Please hit me up on discord Bigkef#8664. Looking foward to hearing from you

Hi Gebitz,

The Favored Few is a newer guild on Antonidas we’re made up of some old heads from the BC Era and forward.

We’ve played hard in the past several of us have been some of the top raiding guilds across several servers and pushed the hardest content. Now days we’ve calmed down are looking to put together a smaller, family focused, and casual group that vibes.

We’re here for a good time, if you want to jump in with us BS and have a good time while we kill the bosses to get the loot to kill more bosses to get more loot (LOL) Hit us up!

We are currently doing Mythic+ while we continue to build our raiding team, we are looking to hit the new expansion head on. Currently recruiting for all roles!

Hit us up, we’ve got a guild recruitment post in-game
The Favored Few - Antonidas
Feel free to DM the GM, Battlenet: Blackjack01#1373
You’re also welcome to DM myself, Battlenet: Quickstrike#1868


Not sure you found a guild yet, but we are a small nit band of refugees who started a new guild and building the ranks. We run keys nightly, and raiding on T/Th 830p to 1130p est. We are Horde on Area 52. Hit me up in game@ ganderin4620#1637 or on discord: ganderin#2674

Talk soon

hey there! we’re a weekend morning guild so if you think you could make those kind of times look us up!
[A][US][Lightbringer] Mid-tier Mythic Guild @ WEEKEND MORNINGS! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hi Gebitz!

Pristine is a newly formed guild, that was based off the idea of being a reroll guild. A majority of us are on during the evenings, and we’re mainly a PST guild with some smatterings in between. We’re focused on being a social guild, where you can find people to chill with, or run some content, new or old.

We’re doing fated normal raids for the slime cat for season 4, going into DF we plan to raid normal as well, and may dabble in heroic if there is enough interest.

Feel free to reach out if you feel we may be a good fit!