Looking for Frost Mage suggestions!

I like the colour scheme of my outfit to match the spec I’m playing so I’d like to find a nice set of icy blue / white gear to use. The cloth gear from Emerald Dream weeklies is nice but I’m not a fan of the “butt cape” on the robe.

Any and all suggestions are welcome - bonus points for shoulders that don’t look enormous on a gnome!

My go-to for full frosty is to have a little gold to go with the Blackrock Foundry tier shoulders. Prob huge on a gnome though.

Legion PVP S2 (Ferocious glad) is also very nice for base pieces, and looks fantastic with Azure Renewal Mantle. Azure Jeweled Shoulderpads aren’t a perfect color match with that but are smaller and have a decent mage look to them.

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Thanks for the suggestions Iribel. They all look very nice but two of them are stupidly huge on a gnome and the other requires renown I am nowhere near having! :sweat_smile:

I do very much like the PvP set you mentioned though… I could just go with hidden shoulders.