Looking for FD/Camo Macro Sequence

Hi all, does anyone know the macro for Feign Death/Camouflage macro, where I press that button twice to get the desired action? I created one, but it’s not working.


Try this instead of a sequence. Sequences suck for abilities with medium length cooldowns, especially when the cooldowns are different lengths.


Logged back in to say thank you very much.

got a better one, no modifiers, just tap twice while in combat and your invisible

#showtooltip camouflage
/castsequence reset=10 feign death, camouflage


@Shamokinkush Dude. My hunter and I have been searching for this for SO. LONG. Thank you so much, jeeeeesus sheeshing christ

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@shamokinkush you are truly a god lol thanks so much!