Looking For Dungeon Bad

But LFBG good. It makes perfect sense! The PvP community went down hill ever since LFBG was introduced. It even teleports people to the BG, which robs us of WPvP and the spirit of Classic.


You make a decent point. If there was no LFBG, nobody would have ever complained about getting stomped by premades.


Everyone needs to walk to the instance too. The world feels dead with the teleportation feature in PvP. Arena teams need to physically walk to their arenas and BGers need to walk to their BGs. WPvP has suffered because of this community killing feature.

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Remove teleport and battlemasters from BG’s. I get lots of community interaction by walking to the portal for WSG in ashenvale. Don’t take that away from me.


My fondest memories come from ganking people 40 levels lower than me outside their instance as they attempted to form groups. These teleportation features rob me of that Classic content I crave.


You’ve mastered the art of reductive logic.

So have the devs. Muh community bad? Surely it was LFD


Like with many threads, I’m not sure what the point is.

Teleporting players to BGs ruins the Classic experience and limits WPvP. Sure WPvP is gone from nearly every server because of Blizz’s mismanagement, but because the concept of WPvP exists the QoL feature to teleport people to BGs should be removed. Tedium makes us grow as players and thats where the best experiences are.


I remember when the Classic community rallied against LFG addons in Classic. Look how many likes this Blizzard post has:

1700 likes on that blue post. Funny stuff.

Is the bitter Classic community beginning to realize that the vast majority of QoL changes made to the game actually had positive results? That those changes were made for good reasons?

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someone made a very similar thread recently, might interest you

I’m okay with “running” to a BG master in their respective area for the most part, but definitely not arenas. Arenas are meant to be the ranked/hardcore feature of WoW PvP with relatively easy access. That’ll do more harm than good.

It should be everything or nothing. Why do arena players get to break the Classic experience for their convenience but no one else can? Every arena team needs to run to their arena of choice to join a que for that arena. Same with BGs.

wpvp only existed for a few months in Phase 2.
Prior to Honor system, in Phase 1, wpvp occurred on the same level as it does today.
Phase 2 is when wpvp was big, but only because you could actually get honor in prop for Phase 3.

It mattered for Classic re-release as it wasn’t in OG Vanilla.
Everyone expected Wrath to come out with LFD/RDF system.

That I agree with. Why do PvPers get special treatment?
Remove cross realm PvP.
Remove merc mode.
Remove remote queue. Make everyone run to whatever arena/BG they want to do.

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Yea, that’s when people could que for BGs and get teleported. It killed WPvP. Thanks for clarifying the timeline. End all ques, all teleports. It ruins the spirit of Classic.

I believe that most players are on either PvE or defacto PvE servers. This kinda leads me to think that the majority of the player base doesn’t want wPvP.

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Classic Andys have brains permanently stuck at the same age they played classic. Nuance is something that escapes them.

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Change is bad. Everything must be made tedious to preserve the spirit of Classic. That’s why I play from a 56k modem and dual core PC.

how is a ranked hardcore mode having access to queues from anywhere make more sense than casual/leveling dungeons or random BGs?

Wasn’t implying any ranked hardcore mode. Exclusively mentioned arena because it doesn’t have much flexibility (due to a small group - 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5). In my case, I was referring to 2v2 and 3v3 primarily. It’s more reasonable for it to be an instant queue generator with a click of a button since it corresponds to a rating & matchmaking system.

Generally, a remote queue feature definitely offers more flexibility for the player (rather than being confined to a certain area within the world) which is good for the game.