Looking for Casual Guild

Husband and wife duo looking for casual guild. Both have multiple level 120s. We are interested in casual raiding but we have kids and can’t commit to a schedule, and we usually can’t raid until after they’ve gone to bed around 9pm pacific. We run mythics and like to PvP. Mostly just looking for a fun group to play and hang out with.

He has a paladin tank/DPS, I have a warrior DPS/tank, he has a shadow priest/DPS, I have a holy/DPS priest, and a holy/tank/DPS paladin, all at max level. :slight_smile: We have been playing since classic and on Lightbringer since the original Naxxramas.

I switched profiles… sorry, I haven’t used the forums in many moons… :stuck_out_tongue:

We would love to have you both join us.
Ask myself or any officer of Renegades for invites

Hey there,

I am Cobaltis GM of <Psychøsis>. We are an AOTC guild and have many returning players of all ages. We would love to have you and your wife join and see if you like it. We do raid a little early though 5:30PM to 8PM PT. Every tuesday and wednesday. No requirement to raid though. Hit me up of you guys are interested.