Looking for casual Frostmourne late night guild


Looking for a casual late raiding guild for 8.2 on Frostmourne, as I am looking to play more casually. Previous mythic raider in Dazalor, but looking for a normal/heroic raiding guild for Eternal Palace.

I currently have a geared bm hunter and resto shaman, I am happy to play either, and am looking for a guild which raids after 8.30pm any day of the week.

Will be checking back on this post frequently, please leave your details below if you think I could be a good match for you :slight_smile:

Hi Kial

Bin Chickens are topping up the ranks for 8.2 and would be interested in either your hunter or resto shaman.

We raid Thu/Mon 8-11pm server time, are casual but competent guild who like to clear heroic content. More in the link



Hi Kialectris,

Centurion Knights might tick those boxes

Heroic raiding guild
AOTC Each content tier
Raid Times 830pm-11pm ST Wed and Thursday

Feel free to contact me or drop into discord
In-game: Inarieals
B-Tag: arieals#1947

More info
Website - https://centurionknights.com/
Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/eRhhvBn