Looking for Aotc or more raiding guild!

Hey all im looking for a raiding guild for TWW! Currently still debating classes but Last season was prot pally/blood DK, and would love to continue tanking but also have a warlock and shaman who can resto or ele send me a message on discord or here if any of these might jive with you!

Discord Nezic

Hello. Full Frontal is a guild newly established by friends dedicated to AOTC/M+ gaming and having fun while doing so. We have families, jobs, goals, and other responsibilities outside the game, but we also have in-game goals to achieve every tier. As we’re starting up just before the expansion, all classes/specs are open for recruitment. We like to keep a low profile and keep it light. No drama is tolerated. We know that issues will arise, and we are open to talking things out and ensuring that everyone can agree and be satisfied with the results. The age group in the guild is currently mid-20s-40 years old (I’m the old man). We don’t have a loot council, as we aren’t going super hard and feel that sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don’t. That’s life for ya. If you feel like you could be a good fit or are just looking for a place to chill, talk about your day, and escape reality to push some keys/kill some bosses, reach out and give us a shout.

Guild & Server: Full Frontal - Stormrage

Raid Times/Days: Friday & Saturday 8:00PM - 11:00PM EST

Current Progression: Newly formed guild recruiting for The War Within. Leadership has AOTC experience in various expansions.

Recruitment Contacts: @billient - Discord / BattleTag - Billient#1810

Requirements: Come prepared with enchants/consumables and general knowledge of your class and boss fights. Be upbeat, chill, and always open to learning and growing. AOTC and family-focused. Always do your best to improve.

Needs: Everything is open now as we are a newly established guild filling all spots. All roles/specs/classes wanted.

Hi Nezic, “Insanity Raiding” may be a good fit for you. The guild has been around since 2010 and we have been rebuilding for TWW. We have also been LF a Raid Leader if that is something you would be interested in. Our raid days are T/W 7:45-10pm EST., and we are a no benching of players ever guild. We strive for AOTC, and if time allows maybe some light mythic after if members have the desire. A number of our members are also aged 50+. As for you tanking, couldn’t actually promise that now. We’ve had some of the new members who have said they wanted to tank, but if they actually show up on raid day to tank when the new raid comes out is anyone’s guess. If they do, we’ll need some backup tanks, for absentees. And we also don’t know as yet, how many raiders we are going to have w/ all of the new people. I told our GM, we may also need 2 groups. Not everyone in our guild wants to raid (some only do M+ or PVP). I always tell people to make your main the toon that you absolutely love playing the best. Besides raiding the guild does M+ (no scheduled days for this), some pvp (BG’s not rated), transmog, pet, mount runs, TWs, questing, etc. If we sound like a perfect new home for you, either you can contact me in-game for an invite or if you can’t catch me, just go through guild-finder and directly apply to “Insanity Raiding” (under raid, not social tab). Hope to have you join our family!

Hi all

is recruiting all classes for TWW Aotc Raid Tu/Th 8-10Pm and m+. Multiple 2k+io members looking for more laid back players to join our team. Casuals welcome

Guild & Server: Total Regard:Alliance/Horde: Stormage,Thrall,Ticho Xrealm ok
Raid Times/Days: Tues/Thurs 8p-10pm EST
Recruitment Contacts: Bnet Numlok#11234 Middyv#1590
Requirements: Chill/ M+ pushing 2k+ and AOTC focused
Needs: Recruiting all