Looking for AotC Guild to run with

Hello! I’m an experienced tank, looking for a guild to join, I have experience raiding and I’m quite a chill guy.

Right now I have several characters around the 585 line, I’m looking up for a guild that while taking things seriously, takes things easy enough to have a comfortable and welcoming space for their raiders.

You can leave me a message here or contact me:

laurecu @ Discord.

Hello Calaca,Underground is heroic raiding and M+ guild getting off the ground for War Within. Members have been raiding together for years now. Although we dont need a Tank right now its always nice to have a backup if needed. If you dont mind playing DPS we are currently looking for DPS any class and spec are ok.
Raids Mon & Wed 7pm - 9:30pm PST

Anyone welcome even if you have no interest in raiding or M+.

If you are interested in joining us please contact us on Discord:

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hi there! we are looking to add more players to our AOTC raid team, and particularly need a second tank atm. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to speaking with you soon hopefully!

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Hey I think we’d be great fit! While we don’t need a tank you might find interest in another role
[Vivid] 2 Day Mythic Guild

Raid Days and Times

Friday 9pm-12a EST.

Sunday 9pm-12a EST.

About us

We are Vivid a guild comprised of close friends across multiple games including wow. Most of which have been gaming together since MOP. We clear AOTC every tier we have raided and then push mythic progression. We aren’t a fully dedicated CE guild but we do like to clear content and perform well.


First and foremost we respect each other’s time and lives. That means being on time for raid and ready to go. While real life happens and we understand we just ask a simple heads up so we can accommodate.

Players are to be up to date on class metas and come to raid prepared with relevant gear, enchants, potions, etc. We do aim to provide feast and flasks.

Adapt and overcome. Raiders should feel comfortable with their class and role and have the ability to adapt to change quickly and efficiently.

Above all else HAVE FUN! This isn’t a job and is NOT treated as one. We are a very laid back group that loves to joke around and talk smack!

Current recruiting needs

Any capable player will be considered regardless of needs.

HEALERS: Priest > Druid > evoker > everything else.

RANGED DPS: Druid > evoker > priest > hunter > everything else.

MELEE DPS: Rogue > DH > everything else.

How to apply

Use our discord link and fill out an application! Under the apply here tab.


Reach out to one of our officers on discord

Zick4short ( cap#6895 )

Moralz. ( moralz#9478 )

Zanaken ( zanaken#8112 )

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Sent a Discord request!

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Make sure to add me as well on disc. I didn’t see the request. Moralz#9478