Looking for AOTC Guild For SL , Looking to play ranged!

The title speaks for itself, Looking for a AOTC guild weekdays or weekend. I am EST so i am looking for arouind 8 pm start on weekdays, and a 9 pm or so for the weekend. Mostly looking to play Warlock, mage or hunter for Shadowland, other raid slot would be open for discussion. Just need a good group of peeps to hang out with and get content finished. So drop me your spam below and lets chat!

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How’s it going mate! If swapping to emerald Dream-alliance is a possibility, our guild junction would love to have you! We are 2/12M looking to tackle some more mythic nyalotha before prepatch hits and then progress in SL! While we arent CE, that is something we are looking to achieve once Shadowlands hits! I understand you just hit 120 but we are looking for mythic minded players who want to push in Shadowlands!
There’s plenty to do in our guild, whether it’s pvp, mythic + (15-20’s keys daily), raids, transmog runs, or just socialize! I’ll post the guild info below and feel free to message me!

About Junction:

We are rebuilding the guild with a group of friends both old and new! We are looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • A sense of community and direction!
  • Communication!
  • Strong & passionate leadership!
  • Overall friendly environment suited for all skill levels!

Currently, the guild is 2/12M AOTC. We are looking for more members that would like to venture into mythic raiding once Shadowlands hits! More specifically, we’re looking for the following;

  • any DPS
    While we’re happy to accept anyone, these are the roles we need specifically for our raid team at the moment. Current raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 9p-12a EST

We also do the following:

  • PvP (BGs and Arenas)
  • Mythic+ Pushing (+16’s and higher)
  • Achievement Runs
  • Old Raid Transmog Runs
  • Alt Levelling

How to apply:
If you would like to apply and have any further inquiries/questions, please reach out to me via BattleTag: Professoroak#1732 or Discord: Elitefourlance#5703

We appreciate your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon

Hey there Nyratha. We are a group of returning Mythic+ key runners, Mythic, and Heroic raiders returning to form a core progression team for shadowlands, with the goal of earning AoTC in the first tier, and aiming towards mythic in the long term. If we sound like a good fit for you come check us out! (guild info below):

Who Are We:
[Supremum] is a group of returning world of warcraft veterans who have completed cutting edge, ahead of the curve and multiple keystone master achievements. We are longtime players of the game for almost a decade looking to build a fresh team for the Shadowlands expansion. Our Discord chat is lively with various topics from theorycrafting to topics appropriate for our name. We have pushed progression throughout various expansions and are looking to add more solid and committed raiders and mythic keystone players to our roster to build a community of like-minded players for the upcoming expansion. We are a tight knit group that enjoys poking fun at each other while doing mythic+ and post in discord. Raids are fun and relatively laid back during trash and farm content but very serious and methodical when pushing progression fights.

Raid/M+ Times:
Our current raid times will be on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm to 12am EST. We plan to run mythic+ during those times initially for gearing purposes. When we have a core team we will jump into Normal/Heroic and do mythic+ on demand throughout the week.

We will be using Personal Loot. If a player decides they do not want or need the item they will trade it to the officers and it will be put up for a roll. Players will roll 1-100 for Main-Spec and players wanting it for Off-Spec or Transmog will roll 1-1000. The highest roll wins with the main-spec roll taking priority over the Off-Spec roll.

Applicant requirements:

A minimum of 90% attendance is required to stay on the active raid roster.
Logs of your previous raid experience or —, preferably from the most current Tier.
Completion of a weekly Mythic+ of the current gear cap (+5/+10/+15 etc) for maximum gearing opportunities.
A functioning headset with mic. (You may remain silent until it becomes necessary for you to call out over Discord as mechanics require).
We expect players to be comfortable playing multiple class specializations as a raid tier/ demands it. This means if you are a hybrid class, you are expected to have 1 viable tank or healer Off-Spec should the raid require you to perform in that role. If you are a pure dps class we expect you to perform in each spec optimally for any given tier or fight.

Guild Recruitment Needs:
Currently we are in open recruitment for Shadowlands. We are currently looking for players of all class specializations and roles to fill out our roster. If you feel like we are a good fit for you, please contact someone within our guild or via battle.net for discussing recruitment further.
If you are interested or have any questions you may message any of the following officers/recruiters or myself:

Triadge: Triadge#1814 (Battle.net)/Triadge#0075 (Discord)
Gagorn: Gish#11857 (Battle.net)/Gish#3961 (Discord)
Utlagatus: M00nyl00ny#117 (Battle.net)/Moonshinelunacy#8791 (Discord)

Hey Nyratha! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our roster (Tanks, Dps, and Healers)

OB are going ham come Shadowlands and will have groups for leveling, and mythics to gear out quick and get ahead fast and efficiently.
We plan to jump right into heroic come its release. If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us! or leave a message on this post and we will contact you!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Hey there Nyratha, our Heroic team is looking for new family members. Check us out and let me know if you have any questions!

Who we are:

Disorientated is an Alliance guild on Stormrage. We currently have 2 raid teams: our Mythic raid team which is currently 6/12 Mythic, and our Heroic raid team which is new, but led by 12/12 Heroic raiders and is recruiting for Shadowlands.

Our goals:

Our goals are simple. We strive to progress as far as possible while having fun in a smaller, family oriented guild our members can call home. This is a game after all, and we want to be a place where you can unwind and forget the day. With that in mind, we do not like drama and strive to keep it out of the guild. On off nights we have a blast doing M+ and some PvP. During raids we joke around and have a good time during trash, but when it is time to pull the boss, it is business.

About the raid team:

Heroic Team:

The current raid days and time are Tuesday and Friday from 8pm - 11pm EST. We are currently recruiting for healers and dps for this team. Team size will end up being around 15-20 to allow for flex when people are out. This is a new team to the guild run by a core of AOTC raiders. We are focused on hitting Shadowlands and Castle Nathria with a dedicated group but want to continue playing current content, so we are running with pugs as needed while we fill out the team. We want to invest in the long term success of the team and know that sometimes good players need to be shown the ropes before becoming truly exceptional, so don’t let inexperience discourage you.

Contact Info:

We can be reached on B-net at Ryouice#11303 (me, GM) or Ksir37#1289 (Ferwin, Heroic Raid Leader). You can also hop in our Discord at h ttps://discord.gg/c8yvzvu.

Hi Nyratha,

We raid Friday and Saturday at 9 pm Eastern. Here’s a link to the ad I posted recently, so take a look and if you think we might be a good fit for what you’re looking for, let me know and we can discuss further. Look forward to hearing from you!



Crimson Brotherhood is recruiting ranged dps for our core raid. We’re also active in mythic+. Check us out.


Hello Nyratha,

My name is Tega and I am the GM for the Order of Lost Saints, an Alliance PvE Guild. We have room for one more DPS we would be more than happy to talk to you to see if our Guild may be right for you.

Our goal is to field an intimate but effective Heroic Raid Team for Shadowlands. Raid size will be in the 10-15 person range in order to foster a atmosphere where our members don’t feel like they are simply cogs in a machine. You would be a crucial element of the team not just another number on Alternate Raid Team C. We believe this approach also makes it easier to forge lasting friendships and a sense of camaraderie. Currently we plan on Raiding twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm to 10:30pm EST. We are very patient and expect mistakes to happen, we do expect people to strive to learn their class and the mechanics. We don’t mind wiping often and will never yell at or call out people, as long as we are learning from our mistakes. We don’t have intentions of raiding on mythic difficulty. We are a PvE based Guild so in addition to raiding we will be running quite a few dungeons, etc. on off nights.

Currently, we are not raiding in BfA, we are running dungeons and preparing for Shadowlands. But it is an ideal time to join us and get to know us before the expansion launches. Our raid roster right now has twelve confirmed players, so we are past the minimum of 10 people though we are reticent to go past 15, we feel 12-14 would be ideal. In need of ONE more DPS and ONE more Healer at the moment. We are located on the Nazgrel/Nesingwary/Vek’nilash server group. If you are interested please either respond to this post or contact me at Tega#1389.


Hey there! Think we would be a good match. Lets link up on Discord or Bnet. Dropping my “spam” below! :stuck_out_tongue:

Exalted with Jeeves | Alliance | Stormrage |

RAID TIMES: Tues & Wed - 8:00PM to 10:30PM CST.


12/12 H - Ny’alotha - AOTC

CURRENTLY RECRUITING: DPS + HEALS in preparation for Shadowlands!

Greetings! We are a 5 year old raiding guild from Fizzcrank/Aggramar that moved to Stormrage in 2019. We are an AOTC-focused, non-hardcore guild that believes you can experience raiding/keys in a laid back environment. We take the player, not the class/spec. We enjoy a casual raid atmosphere while still being serious-minded about progression. Pushing Mythic+ keys is also something we love to do and are always looking for more people to run them with. Our guild family also likes to stay connected outside of game. Some of us are on Twitter, stream on Twitch, and do annual BlizzCon meetups.


Our guild is comprised mostly of busy adults who are 25-30+ with lives, families, school, jobs etc. Real-life comes first. Don’t have time to grind/research every min-max thing outside of raid? We feel you. We believe you can still enjoy raiding without the obligation for constant activity outside of raid.


⌁ Patient, friendly players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.

⌁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⌁ Exceptional players that arrive raid ready with an strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

⦁ Gear Requirements: As we have achieved our end goal for the Tier, we are not presently raiding. Gear requirements being less important, we’re interested in connecting with individuals who fit our community and can stick with us for our next adventures!


Awesome! Contact either me (Allix), to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we would be a good fit for you! OR you can visit our guild website and apply so you can tell us more about yourself!




Aliix (Recruitment Officer):

BNET: Frozen#1269

DISCORD: Aliix#8268

Spire is a heroic focused raiding guild based on Mal’Ganis. Spire started by IRL friends as a raid group in Star Wars: The Old Republic, but rapidly grew to 2 active raid teams. We have a tight knit guild without having “cliques”. With Shadowlands approaching the guild is making the transition to WoW. Our leadership has members with experience reaching back to Vanilla and has raided almost every tier since.


  • Mon/Wed 8-11CST

  • Heroic Focused (If we have the progression and numbers we will transition to Mythic if time left in the Tier)

  • Logs are not required at this time but are a bonus.


  • Demon Hunter

  • DPS Warrior

  • Warlock

  • Flex DPS/Tank

  • All exceptional players considered


Beetus#11493, Prizefighter#1911, Stuart#1493, Jaseypoo#1320

Hey Nyathra!
The Shanghai Zen Masters are a brand new guild full of tight-knit players who have been playing the game together since WotLK and Cata with plenty of Mythic+ and pvp experience. We are looking to do progression raiding mainly throughout the new Shadowlands expansion, but we constantly do Mythic+ dungeon runs, and casual pvp together.

  • We will be raiding monday and wednesday 8pm to 11pm EST

  • starting from Normal > Heroic > Mythic

if you’re interested go on this discord brother
discord.gg/ JTj5ZWc

Howdy, Nyratha!

Twilight Vigil is an old raid guild looking to rebuild its roster for Shadowlands content. As our current roster is quite small, pretty much all options are available at this time. If helping an old guild get back on its feet is of any interest to you, I’d love to chat and see if we’re a good fit for you.