Looking for an undead community? Say less! [WRA]

We’re always looking for active forsaken roleplayers, and now that 10.7 (undead heritage armor) hits the fan, it would be great for you folks to join a community of undead roleplayers.

Feel free to sign up to the Royal Apothecary Society, a guild that has been running over 13 years bringing you the best Forsaken roleplay in the server.

discord gg/tecTn3hC6s


Fun bunch of plonkers! Chat them up!
Like an episode of Friends, but 'wif rotting skin and that.

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I have always been curious. How do you guys incorporate new members who have in character backgrounds already involving the RAS? Like say for example if I wanted to bring in my unded alchemist/doctor who frequently collaborated with the RAS in the past? What would be the process?

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This toon did a stint in the the Society back when he was still Butterfield. Some of my backstory wasn’t church, but most of it made it in.

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The way we aproach this is by stating we’re branch 27-B, and thus other people with RAS bavckgrounds can keep their story whilist not being part of our guild. Other guilds could say they are part of other branches.


Cool, very cool. That is good to know.