Looking for an RSA replacement that doesn't require ElvUI

I’ve been using RaelisSpellAnnounce aka RSA for the better part of a decade. It used to announce a lot of class-agnostic utility spells such as feasts and repair bots. Some time near the end of Shadowlands the author re-tooled it to better handle class announces, and as a by-product all of the utility announcements were removed.

The author never got around to re-adding any of those utility announcements, so I took it upon myself to code them in (as the tab for options was there; it was just empty). They had been quite inactive and I didn’t think to back up my work. That addon just took an update without me noticing it in the list when I clicked Update All today and I’ve lost all that functionality again.

Thus, I am looking for a replacement for RSA that supports miscellaneous announcements such as feasts, repair bots, warlock closets, etc. I know that ElvUI has a module which does this (recommended by a guildie) but it requires ElvUI to function, so it’s not an option. Does anyone have any alternative suggestions?


more screenshots if ya click through (they’re not on the CF page)

I have it setup to just post to myself but you can have it output to the group etc.

Thanks, I’ll give this a look!