Looking for an AotC Healer for Season 4 (Tues/Thurs)

We have a spot for a dedicated healer in our AotC raid. Our raid achieved AotC a while back and are now relaxing until Season 4 launches.

Looking for a laid back, team player who wants to raid heal with a fun, adult group. Ideal class would be Mistweaver Monk or Preservation Evoker but am open to all healing classes.

We also have a spot for a flex healer - someone who enjoys switching between dpsing and healing as the raid needs.

You can learn more here.

You can add me on BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
On Twitch: eventincairdeas
or you can talk to me in game:
Sevenöut (Hunter) | Sevenføld (Evoker)