Looking for an [A] Guild for WPvP and Shadowland Progression

Hey y’all. Going into the Shadowlands expansion I’m leaning heavily towards maining on my gnome. He hasn’t had any love since MoP.

So I’m looking for a guild to call home. Mostly for WPvP but also because I’d like to have a solid group to run content with. I want to get back into tanking and learning the new content is just so much better with a set you know.

Anyways, is there a guild y’all can recommend?


I am in the same boat. Following thread for stuffing and things.

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Check out any of the recent posts on this thread. All good guilds for what you seem to be looking for.

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Lionguard and Kill Order are both great WPvP choices and are awesome people to hang with.


Hey Brunow and Brossiah!! If you would like to talk to us about Kill Order you can message me anytime in game our through discord if you have questions about what we do as a guild. We would love to talk to anyone who is interested in PvP/WPvP. If we are not a good fit for you, I will help you locate a guild!

If you would like to apply, join our discord! discord.gg/GQ3xpkv