Looking for Alliance guild

I am looking for an adult, casual, social, relaxed raiding guild. Ive never done anything endgame in WoW before. Ive never raided and Ive never run Mythic+ dungeons. All I have done is run old content for achievements, mounts and transmog. I am going to be rerolling as a Unholy/Frost DK main and work on a Holy Priest alt (I have never healed before and its something I am wanting to do down the road).

Hey Syuveil,
my guild sounds exactly like what you are looking for!
Reach me on my battletag EpicTroll#12671

Guild & Server: Move Slightly ToThe Left - Lightbringer - Alliance

Who Are We?
Move Slightly ToThe Left is a very active casual social Guild gearing up in Shadowlands, and currently looking for people to round out our raid and Mythic + teams!
We are a mix of chill players including New players and Vets looking to help new players learn what WOW has to offer. Our Guild was created to give everyone an opportunity to learn.
Our Vets strive to guide new players through content they may not have been comfortable with before opening up more of opportunities to enjoy everything WOW has to offer.
We strive to maintain an all inclusive, Chill Vibe, and at the same time focus on our ultimate goal; enjoying the game of WOW and all the content it has to offer.

Raid Times: Friday 8 pm to midnight EST
Saturday 1 p.m. - 5 pm EST

Our Goals and Requirements:
Our goal is to push as much content as possible while not losing sight on our ultimate goal, to enjoy World of Warcraft.

GM - LittleDille
GM - Castalia
Dille - Pickles#2417