Looking for addon - music

Anyone know of an addon that simply displays what music file is playing in-game? I was leveling toons through Outland, and when I got to Auchindoun the drum/piano piece just kinda swept me up and I’m enjoying it every time it cycles through. Just wishing I had a way to see what was playing so I could see about finding it in my collection or on Spotify later.

IOW I’m not just asking what that particular piece is… I could probably surf the album and find it… but a tool for this situation.

According to https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/dmb4kh/comment/f4zbcxy/
There’s no API functions to get that info. I suspect that may not have changed in the 4yrs since that post.

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Well darn. That’s fair enough I suppose.

Thank you for stopping in to answer.