Looking for Active Raiding | M+ Guild

Returning player looking for active guild. Doesn’t have to be a big guild. Less drama and more pew pew. Link with your discord will add and go from there. I’m open to playing multiple class options . Will stick to 1 class just some I don’t care for…

i’ll be honest i have heard nothing but issues about your guild from multiple people on multilple servers. i dont think i’ll be checking into you guys

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Hello there! I think we may be a good fit! If you’d like feel free to add me on discord.


Unbound Eternals is growing!

We are a relaxed, goal-oriented group that loves to progress as far as we can while still preserving the spirit of fun. We are looking to get into some Mythic this patch!

Experience: 8/9N

We are an active home for:

  • Mythic Key Pushers
  • Arena Pushers
  • RBG Teams
  • Casual pet/Mount Collectors
  • Crafting Enthusiasts

We are a mostly 21+ group (a few outliers) that realize this is a game to have fun and down some bosses and bust up some battlegrounds.

Our current schedule for 10.1 is:

  • Weds/Thurs 7pm-9pm cst (server time)

High need for:
1 heals (prevoker preffered)
1 DH
1 Warrior
1 ENH Shaman

We also do fun alt, xmog, and achievement runs throughout the week and weekend.

Contact via Discord

Allegrata: Allegrata#5270

Stupiddart: SthrnRebel#7123

Dingo: RatedD4Dingo#3373

Callmealice: Quora#1337

nah you got a few azzhats to many in that guild lol

Heya. We are not a large guild, but are active and longstanding with a raid group, key runners, and other folks who just like to chill with world content or engage in pvp. Below are our details.

Hi. RoastedQuail US–Lightninghoof (Connected Realms - Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Ravenholdt, The Venture Co, Twisting Nether) is a longstanding, active AOTC guild dating back to Vanilla. We are a tightknit, social group engaging in a wide variety of endgame content including Normal and Heroic Raid, Mythic+, PVP, Achievements, and spamming Discord with otter memes.

We raid Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8-10pm EST, and run Mythic+ Mondays and throughout the week. Currently 7/9N Aberrus.

Needs: Newer and veteran players alike. Players new to raiding and Mythic+ are welcome. All roles and specs. We value player enjoyment over meta specs. For raid, available roles are DPS and Healing though Tanks with Off-Specs are more than welcome. For Mythic+, run what you love. We have members running keys at varying levels (+2 – 20s and beyond) all week long.

Expectations: No Toxicity. Be kind, be decent. Raiders should have good attendance, team oriented attitude, the ability to communicate on Discord, must use DBM/Bigwigs and Weak Auras, focus on your role, have a positive attitude, patience and growth mindset while we progress as a guild, good sense of humor, and a desire to have fun.

If interested, hit me up on my Discord (fintem84#5169) or Bnet (fintem1259#1488), and we can chat. No need to immediately jump servers or join guild, just come chill with us in Discord, check out raid or keys, wreck some mobs, and have fun.

yaw have budlight drinkers in your guild ?

I don’t bother to ask what they drink. Most of the time I hear Scotch mentioned.

it was meant as a joke because of everything thats been out lately about budlight lol

Ah. Got my head too deep in WoW. Missed that one.

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Sorry you feel that way. If you ever decide to check us out for yourself and make your own opinion, let us know!

im good thanks though


I am Kippo from Discrepancy on Illidan. We are a guild of good people who happen to be good players. We have mostly been playing WoW since the early days of the game. We are AOTC and Mythic players that are planning getting AOTC and pushing Mythic in Aberrus. We raid Friday and Saturday 8pm EST to 10:30PM EST. My discord is Kippo#2813. Feel free to reach out and see if we are the right guild for you

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Best of luck to you on your search!

I’ll let you take vodka shots from my belly if you join us. Could use a pumper for aotc and m+'s

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damn got my interest, lets chat, shoot me your discord

US Sargeras
8/9N ATSC aiming for AOTC and Mythic progression
Tuesday & Thursday nights 9:30p to 11:30p CST
Need DPS specifically a DH for 5% magical dr but all classes considered
Feel free to check us out using the link below or contact me on discord @Tehgigolo#1741


Hi there! We are located on Zul’jin. We are welcoming to people from all walks of life and LGBTQ+ friendly. We raid Sun/Wed 8-11pm EST. Our guild leader/raid leader has been leading guilds and raids since Vanilla. While we do focus on progression and obtaining AOTC, we don’t treat it like a job. We have a dedicated M+ Officer who was >3k this last season. He, and all of us, are willing to run keys of all levels. Outside of game, we love to hang out in Discord and even have Discord parties. We are all adults, chill, and have mature senses of humor. We support each other in game and out of game. Hope to hear from you! Contact us on DC: Kristen#2103 or BaristaOverlord#8203

Hey Kookielord!
Just dropping by to see if you might be interested in learning more about our guild! We are a progression oriented AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, We have different events going on in the guild each week. We raid on Fri-Sat (currently only looking for healers and backup players atm) and have an optional night on Thursdays. (All are welcome!! Times are in the link) M+ groups( We just recently added Teams) random fun guild events, and will be adding more in the near future! We have a great guild with a cozy family vibe to us.
I’m including the link to our guild information, feel free to check it out and see what we have to offer! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach
me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I look forward to hearing back from you. Have a great night!!

Hi Kookielord,

Formerlly LOWER
we are a reforming group of CE raiders rejoicing to play with old friends. Looking for some solid pieces to finalize our roster. TUES/WED 8-11 EST - we are housed on Tichondrius. Looking for a Tank/few healers (Even a healing officer to organize healing cooldowns etc.) and some melee DPS. DM me on Discord Nickthetrainn#9216 - Rolls for loot/ Semi-hardcore- come game.