Hello all looking to get back in to the classic feel i am looking to get in a raid team i can heal with priest jsut got to lvl him or my lock i am comfortable doing either or willing to server xfer if needed or will lvl up a toon on a different faction as well for hte right home My days that i am free to raid are Thurs-sunday thursday an friday anytime after 9pm EST an weekends i am free for the most part feel free to reach out to me on discord Crixus#3101 or bnet Crixus250x#1682 thanks in advance
Hey! Check out we’re a leveling/ Re-Roll guild on Heartseeker. Extremely active and players of all levels currently.
are you looking for a fri/sat raiding guild? we raid late night (i don’t know if thats what you are looking for) but we have a good group of people and are on Herod [A]. discord contact is - Hashmeer#4466
Ragnarok is currently recruiting progressional raiders of all classes. We run multiple raids throughout the week so there is opportunity for everybody. Currently located on Thunderfury and it’s a healthy server about 50:50 alliance/horde ratio. Feel free to reach out via discord.
- @GAINZ#2896
We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm PT Server is Bigglesworth (PVP). Willing to help with your transfer if your interested. Add me Bnet = Hostility#1831 or Discord = Hostility#0168