Looking for a trollish (darkspear) name. I'm open to suggestions

I’m terrible with names.

Tuskmon. I’m great with names.

Just like… hit randomize and then put an apostrophe in the middle somewhere.

(only works for roleplay names but that’s what I do)

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Sedami. Try that .
(I’m a writer so I have no problem making names)

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If you’re serious about it check out

… for inspiration.

can always take your current name spell it a little different, then

Tambren has the right idea. like, your current toon is called Vandergrim… why not Vanda’grimm? …er… Vandagrimm. can’t actually put apostrophe’s in the names…

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If you are a fan of it’s always Sunny you could make a priest called daymon or a rogue called nightmon.


Sadly Blizzard denies players the use of the Apostrophe, which is how one makes a good troll name.

Just hit random until you find one that’s passible.

celebratefan , is the best 1 , do it