Looking for a source on these gloves:

Heroes’ Dreamwalker Handgrips of the kind that aren’t restricted to druids.

Wowhead doesn’t list any source, yet does list what it disenchants into so it is obtainable, apparently.

Chasing the link for the full mog set show that it’s T7 from early WotLK:

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The non-class specific pieces only dropped during the anniversary event from the three world bosses in Tanaris, no?

Or am I misreading what OP wants?

Good point, I overlooked the “not restricted to Druids” bit.

If they were anniversary items, they’re not available any more (until the next anniversary shindig?).

Recently had that realization myself with the Shaman T7 look-alikes from the event. I was pretty sad about it.

Thanks, that’s the info I was looking for.
Dang. :frowning: