How it going! My name is Rex and i am
the game of December of last year and I’m tired of playing by myself. I usually like to do world quest Xmog/Hunting Mount/Mythic plus if I can get into a group.
I have joined normal and heroic pug groups but usually that doesn’t go very well. so I’m basically looking for a guild where I can joke around have fun and not be harassed for my orientation. now I’ve done a lot of research and lot and lots of YouTube on how to play this game work. But I’m still a new player and I do have questions every once in awhile. btw I have mild Asperger’s aka Autism + ADHD XD
My wife and I run a community and guild on Nordrassil called Civitas. This is a safe space, bigotry-free, friendly, inclusive, and fun. I myself have Asperger’s and my wife is ADHD. I will try to contact you on Discord as I hope we might be able to help you
I have sent you a Discord friend request as Treebeard.
Meanwhile, have a look at this thread as it will give you a better idea of what our guildies have to say about us