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Still looking for more!

Raiding days have changed, again! We will be tentatively raiding on Sat/Sun @ 7-10pm EST. Our tentative start date is July 16th & 17th! Still looking for more! Def need a dps monk & dh! Msg me if interested!

Still looking for more, non toxic people!

Still looking for more for raiding!

Still looking for friends!

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Still on a search for more friends!

Long week already ugh

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Do you guys take returning players who are leveling new characters?

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Sorry forgot to use my pally

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Of course! We have many people who are returning or new! MSG me on disc if interested in learning more! :heart:

Still looking for more new friends! :slight_smile:

Looking for a havoc demon hunter, shadow priest & windwalker monk for raiding! We raid Sat/Sun 7-10pm EST! Msg me for details :slight_smile:

Changed our raid times last night to accomidate more people! New times are Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST! We’re looking for a WW Monk & Havoc DH! Msg me for details!

We’ve got lots & lots of events planned for the upcoming weeks! Msg me to find out more! FluffyPanda#6738

Looking for any spec mage, dps shaman & dps dk for raid!

Raiding tonight from 8-11pm est! Msg me if interested in joining! :slight_smile:

We are now 7/11 Normal Seplucher! Looking for more ranged dps for raids! Msg me for details! :slight_smile:

Still looking for more new friends! Raiders also welcome! We are in need of a few more max level ranged dps for N Seplucher on Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST!

Bump for good people. I don’t raid and they still like me mostly :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m one of our raid leads. We’re 7/11 normal. I’m totally not a robot but join us and maybe raid if you want.

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