Looking for a Roleplaying / Casual Content Guild

Hi guys! I’ve been browsing some threads around here, but I haven’t really been sure if there is one that meets exactly what I’m looking for just yet.

I’m looking for a guild that would be maybe roleplaying focused, or at least has members that are interested in roleplaying (so that there is a group interested to go out regularly to do so). I’ve been wanting to get back into WoW roleplaying for a while, but it’s sort of hard for me to do so on my own because of some shyness.

I’ve been also looking for a guild to clear casual content or at least content at a non-serious pace. I have gotten ahead of the curve on every Shadowlands raid, but so far this expansion I’ve kept things very calm/casual. Raiding would be cool to get into, but I’d likely only be interested in Normal Raids so I don’t have to worry too much about people fighting about loot like some people are doing in some guilds now. If we were to do Heroic, I’d like it to be in a non-serious environment where people are okay with learning.

I did get Keystone Master last season on my Hunter. I’d like to get it again this season for the mount if possible, but that doesn’t have to be required for a guild or any friends.

Thanks for any responses!


I just started playing wow and have been looking for very much the same thing. Casual guilds that want to do casual content, and also RP. Ive applied to like 6 guilds and have never heard back.

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^ Yeah, this is my thing too. Guilds and communities seem dead on the server I’m on. Planning to transfer back here because of it. I’m also interested in the same sort of mixed bag vibe.

Looking at this thread, Kraken Company might suit all of you. We try to keep a very casual attitude about everything, do it when you want to and if you enjoy it in terms of RP, Content everything. Check us out! And if you have any questions feel free to contact me

I’ll check you guys out.