Played Classic at launch, leveled a couple toons to 60 and started gearing them both before the guild I was in since release broke up just as we got started on content. Didn’t have the motivation to start over again at the time so I’ve been playing retail since then. I’m wanting to actually go through Classic start to finish now that it’s starting to wind down and was wondering if anyone else was after the same thing.
I’d prefer a reroll guild if there are any out there, as opposed to just a new collective of already capped 60s, but I’d love to hear about anything anyone may have in mind, Horde or Alliance and server makes no difference for the right group of people, thank you.
Hey There! We started a month ago today, and we have new players joining every day. Come and check us out if you are interested - I hope you find what you’re looking for!
Hey! My guild Wipes on Trash on Atiesh Alliance is recruiting for our core raid team! We’re currently 8/9 aq40 with cthun being killed! We raid BWL wed @ 7 server, and AQ40 Fri @ 7 and sun @ 6 server. We’re also doing off-day 20 man raids if we have interest in em as well. If you wanna chat more hit me up on discord Vocifera#0254