Looking for a raiding guild

Friend and I are looking for a raiding guild and M+ game play. We are in the EST zone and are available to raid everyday except for Fridays and Saturdays. the class we play are Retribution Paladin and a Resto Shaman. we can all so bring a Warlock if one of these classes will not work for your team build or for myself I’m willing to level up any class

Hi Xrkun & friend, “Insanity Raiding” (18+, started by Ureka our GM in 2010) Casual Progressive N/H (maybe some light Mythic if time allows) may be a fit for the both of you. We are starting into Palace next week (our GM wasn’t feeling well this week and we have also been LF a Raid Lead). We raid T/W 7-10pm EST. We also have a number of members aged 50+ in our guild. Besides raiding guildies do M+ (no special days scheduled on calendar, members post keys into g-chat), Delves (goes faster & easier w/ other people), some pvp (BGs-not rated), TWs, transmog, mount , pet runs, & questing. If we sound like the perfect home for the both of you, contact me for invite, but if you can’t catch me online, then just go through guild-finder and directly apply to “Insanity Raiding” (Under Raid, not Social tab), and we will invite the both of you through there. Hope to have the both of you join our family!

If you are looking for a guild to join we are recruiting [Guild: Hold My Bèer] we are recruiting on Stormrage and doing cross realm recruiting

Hey, send me an add on bnet! Xiten#1628, we’re looking for a resto sham and a lock. We raid wed/thurs 6-9pm pst (9-12 est).