Looking for a raid guild

I posted on an alt character. This is my main character in case you want to check stats or what not.

Hey Grievance will have both Horde and Alliance guilds on Mankrik for H and Pagel for A . Raid times are usually around 830 pm cst

We are not a hardcore or even semi hardcore guild. We are more about camaraderie and enjoying the journey. When we are ready we will raid, but we are in no rush. Do not let that fool you though, we are competent :slight_smile:

You can check us out at grievancegaming dot com if it looks like a good fit just register and post an app on the forums once activated!

I hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

Hey, check us out - could be a nice fit.

<Dad Club> [NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST]

Discord to learn more:
https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Would love to have you check us out. Not hardcore by any means but we are raiding 2 times per week. Message me on Discord if you want to chat futher.


Hi there,
We are all in our 30s and looking for players. Please check our recruitment post.
Any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
[[H] [PVE MANKRIK] <Antiquity> Looking to Recruit with Age 25+ Players (SEMI-HARCORE)]

< SFD > is looking for a priest healer or a shadow priest. Please visit us if interested.

<Bold Strategy> is a gaming community spanning the existence of WoW’s entirety. Together, we have completed the highest end game content of every expansion both on retail and on private servers. We aim to continue our legacy of end-game success in Classic WoW, to achieve this we seek passionate end-game driven players who want to experience the entirety of the content with one consistent raid team.

What makes us different: We are the balance between real life responsibility and serious raiding success. In our core we have parents, business owners/entrepreneurs, students, and military; so we understand the burden of responsibility. Even with more than 10 years of raiding we still commit ourselves to our hobby, proving that we are not only burn-out proof, but we often outlast the majority of guilds around us. We are a group of adults looking to make the most of the time we can devote to the game. We also do annual guild meetups at Blizzcon or Las Vegas, NV.

What to expect: A group that takes the title WoW veterans seriously. Over time our core has accumulated a wealth of game knowledge and we intend to use it to continue to be one of the top guilds on the server we select. We are as active as humanly possible when not pulled from the game with obligations, and pride ourselves on having an inclusive social community.

Leadership that has actual real leadership knowledge and experience. Organization and time management are key elements to our raid structure. No waiting for AFK’s and little downtime.

What we expect of you: First and foremost, we expect you to know how to communicate with people, and not be an ornery anti-social wet blanket. If you constantly come across as an intolerable jerk, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are, we’ll tell you to $%&! OFF.

Have the ability to manage your time and plan your schedule like an adult. The raid times are clear, if you can’t make them consistently, don’t waste 39 other people’s time.

Be able to be accountable. If you make a mistake, speak up and say something, so we can learn from it and move on.

Lastly, and most important, you have to be able to be relaxed and have fun and flip the switch to raid mode. We expect “serious face” effort and will accept nothing less during raid. Outside of raid, what you do on your own time is up to you.

Server TBA.
Midwest based.
Looking for 1 player of each class.
Guaranteed raid spot.
Tues/Weds 6pm PST (9pm EST) Thursday will likely be added down the road.
Major needs: MAIN TANK QUALITY CANDIDATE. Class Officer(s).

Please Join Our Discord to chat/post here/PM me on RealID: Zakk#1324

Hey, Amelíana. Your post seems super similar to a LFG post I saw on the classic guild discord, so maybe I’ve already reached to you there! No harm in doubling up though.

Here’s a link to our recruitment post: Link

You sound like you’d be a great fit for us. Like you, we’re not super experienced with vanilla, but have a plethora of raid experience from retail through the years, and we’re looking hit classic hard.

Hope to hear from you. (The recruitment post has methods to contact me).


I’m the GM of Vision and we’re currently looking for both raiders and casuals. We plan to raid Tu/We 7:00pm EST - 10:00pm EST. I’ve include our guild recruitment post below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Discord link (remove the space) - https:// discord.gg/83T93pe

Btag - Wes#12170, CLOUDED#1644, Hypnotiq#11432

Discord - Wes#6205, Aeson#8055, Hypn0tical#6969

We do efficient PVE for the gear to dominate PVP. You are free to be as casual or hardcore as you like. We have all kinds of players. Give us a look. You can contact me at JohnnyChainsaws#9034 on Discord.gg/enclave

We have well over 100 players. Finding a group with us wont be an issue.

Come check us out! I believe you’d be a great fit in our community. Lets chat on discord :slight_smile:

give us a look

Hello Synthia,

I’m running a Classic WoW guild on horde pvp based in US EST time. We plan to raid from 8pm to midnight (Hard stop) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Abit about us, I’m 28, in marketing, and most of our core needs to be up for work the next day. The guild name is going to be Dead Weight, where the only real rule is try your best to not be carried. I intend to run it as a casual-one shot raids guild. So far everyone in the guild that I’ve recruited has a ton of experience in WoW, and classic wow private servers. I have 21 people in the guild so far, and another skilled priest would really round us out.

Loot will be done as transparent loot council with a big spreadsheet sort of showing you what you will probably get when depending on drops, but ultimately loot council will decide. It will be me and my co-guildleader with a dps officer, a healing officer, and then a random rotating raider ranked player as the deciding vote.

We will be doing Pvp events and general greifing in our offtime, because what is all that gear for if not to make the alliance unreasonably mad?

If you are interested, please message me on discord!
losefast #6123

Looks like you have a lot of interest…but if you are looking for a solid group of players around your age that played in Vanilla and have been friends ever since, give us a look. We are always looking to add good people.

Hey , I’m from Royal Authorities and we’d very much be interested in having you join us.
We’re an NA Alliance guild (Semi-Hardcore PvE, Casual RP) on Grobbulus interested in recruiting you for raid. Our time zone ranges from PST to EST with our raid times being 8:30-11:30 PM EST on Tuesday/Thursday. Our loot distribution system is Loot Council and we’re fully aware of what kind of responsibility this comes with.
If you’d like to learn more, you’re more than welcome to join the discord. If you’re interested, you can submit an application in the form.
If you have any questions you can send a friend request to Sudnep#1165 on Discord, Battle Net, or even just ask them directly on the application.

Application: forms.gle/CwYaMovbDab2D1jj8
Discord: discord.gg/Fmx9VeG

Hey, your goals and expectations you have for classic wow really align with our guild. I would love to talk with you more in person. We also are in need of priests for our main raid team. Here is our guild forum where you can find our discord link and read more about the guild. I think you will like what you see! Happy hunting

< Warcraft’s Finest > [ Grobbulus HORDE (US - RPPVP)] are looking for players to join a Guild that values player individuality at the same level as content. We expect to grow a social family as well as a raid team, so we really do have something for everyone.

Our Goals

We intend to play Vanilla with maximum fun. We aim to have a populated voice chat, nightly events and a positive attitude to players and progression. Events will consist of social questing, dungeon runs, world PvP, pre-made BG’s, raids and more!

Players are encouraged to pursue their own goals. We want you to choose a race, class and spec based on your interests. We don’t expect you to min-max your class, however, the willingness to take constructive criticism and better yourself is a must. We aim to strike the balance between getting things done and allowing player individuality. Solid experience of actual Vanilla at leadership level should enable us to accomplish this goal.

We want to foster good etiquette and spread it across the faction. If you like the idea of dungeon groups that help beginners and help each other learn, world questing that involves cooperation rather than competition and patience over pessimism then this guild is for you.

You are…

• Patient

• Sociable

• A team player


• Mature + Patient temperament

• Willingness to participate in Guild chat, Discord and Events where possible


• All classes + specs

• Old players

• New players

• Casual players

• Semi-Hardcore players

Raid Times

Raid days are Tuesdays 7PM to 10PM (PST) and Thursdays 7PM to 10PM (PST)

There will be additional content every other evening during similar times and Saturday/Sunday evening activities (ZG/AQ20).


Find me on Discord at Bergyboo#0034 the raid leader at Smurfy#9226


While RP is fully welcomed in Warcraft’s Finest; we want you to know that it will not be our primary focus. We want to ensure we attract players from all walks, but don’t want anyone to feel pressured to do something that they may not be fully interested/comfortable doing.

Hey! We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Hello! You sound like a good fit in our guild. Most of us are adults with jobs and students in college. [NA Horde EST PVP - Herod] <Mile Hyjal Club> This is our posting. If you’re still searching for a guild please join our discord and I’ll be there to talk with you!