Looking for a North Carolina based Guild

Hello Illidan,
I have been playing WoW since the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King which still remains the best time I have ever had in the history of WOW to me. Since then most of my online friends have quit playing. I live in NC and trying to see if any guilds on this server are based in NC or have a large community of their guild in this general area of the US. I am open to options. I am pretty much interested in all content but I prefer PVE.

Thanks for the help,


Starting a guild on Doomhammer. NC based here also and just getting back into playing after Cataclysm. Berserker on Doomhammer

Interested, was there one started?

Hey All, I just wanted to drop a reply to this older thread. I am a GM of a guild on Area-52. I am located in NC but we have members all over the east coast. We also have members on the west coast as well and some even out of the country. We have a large community and our focus is AOTC raiding and we do prog mythic but we are not CE lol, and Mythic+. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8:30pm-11:30pm est. We have members that are into all other types of content as well. Most of us in the guild have been playing together for over 10 years. Our ages range from 23-57 lol. If anyone is interested please feel free to message me in game or reply here and I’ll be in touch.

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I would like to introduce Yeti Squad - a guild aimed at creating a WoW community by and for North Carolina players.
Our core group is on Stormrage (not that realm matters any longer).
We are actively recruiting NC friends and friends of friends to tackle The War Within content!

Our only ask is that applicants are mature and respectful to fellow guildmates.

Raiding schedules will be published once our roster fills out a bit more.

Thanks for your interest!