Looking for a new server

Alliance player here looking to re-roll Oceanic. I’m living in Japan, but when Classic came out I rolled NA EST to play with my friends. They quit, and I struggle to find groups with the time change, so I’m looking for a new home.

I’m not really encouraged by what I’m reading on this forum so far - is the faction imbalance that bad? It sounds like Arugal is worse, while Remulos and Felstriker have relatively low populations.

And have BGs made open world content more bearable?

Open world seems fine since BGs dropped. There was the classic 24/7 boat, BRM and flight path camping before BGs but even then Alliance would give it back on occassion.

Yojamba seems more chill than Arugal, and the population seems a pretty good size too.

I also live in Japan. You should get decent ping to Yojamba (~130ms). World pvp is fine now that BGs are out. As a recruiter, I’ve talked to quite a few people who decided to reroll from Arugal to Yojamba because of queue times / autism. Felstriker is too small and Remulos is a pve server. Yojamba is your best bet.

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