Looking for a new RP server

I’m considering moving to either CC or SoE (preferably SoE due to timezones) from WrA, how is the RP on the servers? Still active? In what ratio between factions?

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CC/SoE are one big server, for all intents and purposes. I think they’re both on West coast time. The only thing to watch for is making sure you have the correct “Name-Server” when mailing stuff. :wink:

The RP is still very much active here! It is mostly centered around guilds and events, though walk-up is still a thing, especially if you notice someone with an RP profile, like TRP3. That said, the walk up is not on the scale of a larger server like WrA- but it does occur, and once you know where to look, or find a group of people you like hanging out with, RP is pretty easy to find.

For a list of current events, check here:

There are several weekly events, and each faction has an OOC channel for helping people get into the servers’ RP:
-AllianceOOC and
You can jump in there and ask about events, or guilds, or just see if anyone is hanging out somewhere RPing!

I believe (but don’t quote me) that the servers lean a tab more towards Alliance in terms of population, overall, but I play on both factions and the RP seems pretty even. There may just be more Alliance players overall. Or it may be that I have slightly-more Alliance alts than Horde alts. But, you’ll find RP on either side- or both! :grinning:


Thanks for coming by and checking us out! I think Cup covered all the main points, but if you make a character on CC/SoE to test the waters, feel free to whisper or mail me if you have any questions.