I’m not trying to spend over 350 and honestly I’m not sure about that price, especially since the pc will be mainly for WoW and not much else. I have one now that I got during legion that worked well. But it’s a mini tower and I had to upgrade it to 8gb’s of ram. It’s now 2 expansions later and that computer won’t perform as well as it did. Can I buy a pc that will perform well at this price or even build on for the same price or cheaper. I’ve never built one before and have no idea as to how it where even to begin.
Ardenweald looks absolutely beautiful and I’d like to see that with higher frame rates and with the graphics turned up a bit. Thanks in advance.
for a new build , hokushln posted one for $400, you really can’t get cheaper than that with new parts.
If you are anchored to $350, you would be looking at a refurbished work PC off newegg and a used GPU off ebay. Tom’s hardware did a similar style build you can search but…
You state you have a PC that worked well in legion. What specs does it have? Perhaps it only needs a gpu upgrade or even cpu upgrade that would be less then $350.
Can you reuse any parts? That will help out greatly.
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I did see that and I’m quivering about just building one. If I space it out over time I could probably up the budget a bit, but like I said it’s just for wow and I’m not a hard core computer by any means.
As for the pc I have now, it’s basically a laptop in a tower, at least that’s what they guy at the store said when I went to buy extra ram. I’m not sure if I can use any thing from there and I have too many important files on there and in afraid I might screw it up. It doesn’t even have its own graphics card.
I’m not sure that’s possible in this situation. I may have to just build one.
Building your own at that price bracket tends to be difficult.
You might consider this which should play the game fine.
3200G PC $399
Notes: it’s only a quad core without SMT, which will hurt if you’re doing more than just WoW, and also only has 8gb of probable single channel memory…but with a budget it’s a bit rough.
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Thank you. However this looks like what I already have at the moment. This price was about the same.
The game is playable decently on a 3200g - i doubt it would be the same as what you currently have.
You could go with a refurb office pc as Lilly suggested; just keep in mind sometimes the CPUs in those don’t perform as powerfully as they would in other configurations, and you are going to be using older hardware.
If you could flex your budget to $500 you’d have a lot more performance with less concessions.
That video actually helped. This is student from what I have and the graphics card is updated. I think mine has the Radeon R5 or something. Even in Legion I was maxed at around 30 frames in low zones. I could stretch the budget if I just buy the stuff over time. I’ve got a lot to do anyway so I don’t need to head right into Shadowlands.