Hi! I’m finally tired of my server and am looking for a new home, and I want this new home to be an RP server.
What I’m looking for is a good place to consolidate both factions into one single server so I don’t have to log on multiple servers!
My question is: Why choose Emerald Dream over Wyrmrest Accord or Moonguard? Sell me on your server you beautiful people!
RP community is fairly tight knit and creative. Horde side at least I can’t speak to the blue devil experience but they seem to report the same.
Lotta user created content in that vein as well and some truely lovely guilds.
EDream has a much more casual feel to it regarding RP. Also the server offers an equal faction balance, and a constant “Full” server. Both sides are fun to play here, and practically any sort of guild style is at your beckon call. From hard core RP to hard core WPVP, we’ve got it all . . .
Definitely both sides Horde and Alliance have some really great guilds/people. I am going to put the same information here that I just posted in a similar post for a good way to see what we are about in the RP community and more:
One way to find your way around Emerald Dream guilds is to check out this spreadsheet by Aeriara!
Link – bit. ly / edguilds (take out the spaces)
And then we have the Horde PSA forum post, which includes some cross-faction gatherings, too. Both the Horde and Alliance in-game community information is included:
Both Horde and Alliance have bar nights, and on the first Saturday of the month, the Alliance hosts a convention for people seeking to learn more about the various guilds.
For information on the Horde RP discord, you can btag me for an invite: MrthePanda#1597 (might even have some info on alliance)
And shameless plug for a small view of the ED shenanigans:
Hope this helps!
OMG! This helped a lot!
Thank you. I’ll be moving my characters as soon as I’m able to! Emerald Dream will be my new home.
Waggles excitedly and leaves
Am I the only one who kinda gets annoyed on this? If memory serves me right we used to have a stickie that was made like a “so you wanna come to ED” forum. We need another one so we don’t have to continue to “sell” our server to others.
we haven’t been able to sticky anything on the new forums
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