Looking for a new guild! (please adopt me <3)

Shalom! I started a new job and it conflicts with my raid times. Sooooo I am looking for a new home. I can make about any raid time after 9pm EST I’m personally 8/9 and missed out on the kill. I have a few toons that a person can pick from because I do pug a lot on my alts.

I currently have a Ret/Prot pally, BM Hunter, Hav/Veng DH, and I do have a Holy priest but I don’t like to heal. All are 465+ or better.

Hi Kysha,

Assault is looking for hunter DPS if you are interested in checking us out. Thurs/Fri from 10:30 p.m. - 1a.m. EST. Reach out to me on BNet to learn more! limbrok#1655


Hey Kysha, we have a spot for you in Hand Of Salvation! we’re currently clearing 9/9h in one night and looking to expend to do a few bosses in mythic.

we raid Tues/Thrus 9-11:30 eastern

Hit me on online if you wish to discuss further!


I would but I would do more harm then good to the mythic group. I don’t know what toon you would want from what I listed but 470 is not good for mythic lol

If you’re down to team up with some people who are new to raiding and high m+'s then, Home away from home is recruiting. We’re just some friends that are trying to make new friends to do cool things with. Cool things being raiding, M+, and all that fun stuff. If this interests you, you can hit me up on Discord: grimnyn, or on Bnet Bloodysteel#11254

i am interested 474 bm hunter