Looking for a local NH Guild

I began playing again recently after a decade off. I was a day 1 player that couldn’t find my old login info, so starting over. Looking for a local NH guild to join. My neighbor plays too, so he might join.

Hey! If you’re interested in Heartseeker, come check out

Thanks! Anyone from MA, ME, or NH in the guild? Also, seems like a pretty large guild. Is it still able to be social? Looking more for the social aspect. And as a day 1 player, I just turned 40. How is the age distribution?

Not sure if there’s anyone specifically from those states. Seems to be largely East coast. I know we got some Texans, Floridians and quite a few from Northern Virginia.

Very social guild, active G Chat and Discord.

It’s definitely a mature environment with most players seeming to be in the range of 28-35 (that’s a best guess). But certainly no drama or immature player’s.

We have a NH/EST time zone that were looking for players if you’re interested in joining us we’d love to have you, were very much a social guild too! alot of good bodies here. Feel free to message me on real at Kathetara#11178

I live in Maine and so does my Main Tank! come check out on Herod! are you looking for a fri/sat raiding guild? we raid late night (i don’t know if thats what you are looking for) but we have a good group of people and are on Herod [A]. discord contact is - Hashmeer#4466