Looking for a horde RP guild

I’ve fallen out of WoW rping since my Alliance based guild collapsed. I would like to bring my Nightborne thief character into RPing, but I’m not quite comfortable RPing openly in Orgrimmar with random people. I would rather join something structured. If anyone is looking for new members please give me some info about your guild here.

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Hope this helps!


Thanks for the plug, Zinbara!

And yeah, we’ve got couple of Nightborne, as well as plenty of openings for people specializing in “acquisitions”. If you see one of us around, give us a call.

Just be patient. Everyone’s kind of out leveling their shiny new Zandalari alts.

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A corporate guild. I had not considered that. How is your dental plan?

Jokes aside, I am intrigued. May I ask a few questions here or would you prefer I ask over Discord when I get off work?

I’ve heard some wonderful things about Firebrand and I have a few friends in their group who really enjoy it!

Best of luck to ya! :slight_smile:

Our dental plan offers full coverage. Including braces.

Feel free to ask whatever you need to here, in game, or on Discord.

I went to your website and got the basic gist of things. I did want to ask a few things though.

  • IRL, I’m a teacher so I’m fairly busy during the week. Are events more common during the week or weekend and are they around 5 to 8 server?

  • Are events typically open to all members or are they usually specific to certain departments

  • Is character death decided by the player or by the DM?

Most of our events occur between 1pm and 9pm server time. Weekends are when most of the midday events occur. We have events all throughout the week as well. Two last night, one tonight, and two more tomorrow.

Events are open to pretty much anyone who feels their character is applicable. During Commerce department dealings, it can be useful to have someone from Research there to provide their analysis or Security there for… security. And vice versa.

When it comes to what happens to your character, consent is everything. We do expect players to take responsibility for their character’s actions and the resulting consequences, but we don’t force death on anyone. We’re here to tell stories together and making sure everyone’s having fun with their character and their plots is our main priority.

And I know you said you take all types, but do you feel a clever rogue type character is a good fit?

I’m not apart of the guild in question here but I feel as if that character type can really fit in just about anywhere. It depends on how you yourself feel about it and how you feel she’ll about being in such a place.

So the choice entirely is up to you but I can easily see her being apart of such an organization.

Just my 2 cents on the matter


What Zinbara said. We’ll definitely find a way to profit off of your character’s unique skill set and a clever rogue will find plenty of good company.

I’ll send you a message over discord when I get home. Maybe we can do the interview today or tomorrow!

Looking forward to it!

I also wish the forums had private messaging.

One thing that had me concerned. The “triggering” comment in the guild rules. I can understand an off color joke, but will I be seeing an Xbox live level of “mature” jokes or is it just like a game of Cards Against Humanity.

More like Cards Against Humanity- which we actually play from time to time. We definitely don’t discriminate against anyone or support any kind of hate speech, but at the same time, we’re all grown ups (many with children and even grandchildren). We live adult lives and we make adult jokes.