Looking for a Horde RP but not sure how to go about it

I am not fresh new to wow rp but have mostly only done it on alliance since i have always heard horde rp is dead, guild only, toxic or dead or whatever, but horde is my favorite faction by far.

So im looking for a guild or any tips to rping on horde or the big campaigns and events. I have already made a few characters like a dragonmaw orc warlock, Maghar Shaman and Farraki priest.

was on the wrong character lol this one is on WA

Well it is true that most long form RP on WrA is guild driven it isn’t fair to say it is dead!

There are many guilds that are open to things such as try outs, “audits” of their events so you can get their vibe, and of course there are recruitment faires where you can meet them IC as well!

There’s walk up in both Orgrimmar and SMC. You can find events on various Discords - several per week and most are Horde or cross-faction.

Feel free to pop into the WrA-RP Discord. There’s lots on the calendar and plenty of people to meet and chat with. We’ll be happy to point you in the right direction!


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Kirsys server and WCP are both excellent sources to look for guilds for horde rp on WRA! Honestly the server is very active with many of WRA’s discords having calendars that showcase plenty of events! ht tps://discord.gg/5VmZJx5a (idk how to link discords in forums like Kirsy did haha)

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Also, if you go to Orgrimmar and offer to build them some chairs for free I believe you’ll be crowned the new Chieftain.

I don’t make the rules but that’s how it goes.

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