Looking for a guild!

Hello Stormrage!

My brother and I are looking for a guild to join. Seeing as the War Within is right around the corner we want to raid and run dungeons with a fun group of people.

To give some context I usually clear every tier on Heroic and dip my toes into mythic raid. I used to be a RL in Shadowlands. I tend to play DPS but I can also Tank.

My brother doesn’t have much retail experience at all. Last time he played current was mainly in wrath of the lich king. He also played Classic when it relaunched and had a good time with that. He tends to enjoy healing and I think can pick up new things quiet fast. Right now he doesn’t want to commit to regular weekly raids but is happy to fill in when the roaster needs more heals.

We both work 9-5’s EST and have responsibilities so we are looking for a guild that hits that sweet spot of doing challenging content but respects their players time. A progression guild that’s pretty casual.

For raid times I prefer not raiding Friday or Saturday night.

please reach out if you think we would be a good fit for your guild! Thanks :smiley:

Feel free to reply to this post or add me on discord @dality

Hi Emblem, Both yourself and your brother are welcome to join “Insanity Raiding” (18+). We are a large guild (over 900 members, including alts.), but not all of our membership raids, and we also have a number of members aged 50+. We have been rebuilding our raid team for TWW, and also have need of a Raid Lead. Our days & times are: T/W 7:45-10pm EST. We are a non-benching guild (our GM is strict on that rule) and we are a Casual Progressive aimed at AOTC and if we have the time & team wants it, some light Mythic. We are NOT CE at all! Besides raiding, the guild does M+ (not scheduled on calendar at all, members post keys in g-chat), some pvp ( BGs non-rated), transmog, pet mount runs, TWs, questing, etc. If the both of you think we are a fit for you, then either IM me in-game for an invite, or if you can’t catch me online, just go through guild-finder, and directly apply to “Insanity Raiding” (under Raid, not Social tab) and we’ll invite the both of you through there. Hope to have both you and your brother join our family!

[Parameter] Stormrage US West New Premier guild looking for players for a Semi-Hardcore guild, Focused on achieving Cutting Edge Recruiting for TWW and further. Late night guild with raids going Tuesday/Wednesday 9 PM server start time. NEED ALL ROLES