Looking for a Guild

Hello, long time player looking to get back into retail raiding. Im looking for a daytime/morning raid team looking to at least do heroic raids with an active M+.

Im also willing to play really any spec on any realm needed (leveling is super fast right now) with a high preference on Enhance Sham, Shadow Priest or Death Knight.

Whisper me in game ill be on for a while Offworld - Dalaran
or Respond here I will be monitoring this post for a while and of course thank you all in advance for reading and considering!

BNET : Mud#11651

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you!! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!

Hi Farseeing
Guild: Adjudication
primary faction: Horde
Server: Blades Edge

we are a brand new PVE progression guild looking for players of all shapes and classes for TWW. Currently we have Mythic Plus content scheduled for Tuesday evenings, raid progressions starting Thursdays 8pm CST and legacy content transmog runs saturdays at 8pm CST . currently since we are building our primary raid team we are flexible with time management. AOTC players are always much needed as our founders are also AOTC, but are intaking newer players for first time raid progressions.
if you have interest send me a message on discord at: Avagantamos
Safe Travels!

hey sorry, been at the beach the last 4 days, still interested !

Still looking to play shadow priest for someone hmu!