Looking for a Guild!


I am looking for a guild to play with most likely starting in DF pre patch but maybe sooner.

I am a long time wow player going back to vanilla. I only have my druid on this realm but he has always been my main character or 1st alt. I have always played balance and resto.

I am mostly interested in dungeons and M+, and also battlegrounds or other casual pvp. The few times i have pushed to 2200 rating was for a transmog lol. I used to enjoy raiding, but im older now with a RL family and job, and it would be very hard to commit to a scheduled session of anything. I mainly play after 8pm pacific time for 2 to 3 hours a night, maybe 3 to 4 nights a week.

I am looking for a guild that runs dungeons or BGs and just has fun playing and chatting. I respect role play and lore.

Horde or alliance? If alliance go USA if horde go WSB

Venomfang Cultists is a small guild of veterans like yourself, with jobs and families. We enjoy M+ and are looking for more members for heroic raiding. If all comes down to your playtime though…we are fairly late, starting runs at around midnight server time. If that sounds like a good match, please send in game mail to me. Thanks and good luck finding the right fit!