Looking for a guild who can benefit from me

Hello! I have no friends who play WoW and would like to join a guild so I can at least play with others.

I would like a guild of mostly older people as I am 33 years old.

I don’t mind playing any role but I currently have a lvl 60 human warrior and a lvl 20 dwarf priest.



i’d like to extend an offer to join us in shadow hunters society!
most of us are right in your age group. our core group is still leveling, though we have a second group right around your priest.

as the leader i’ll be straight, we are way short of warriors because we are small (like 40 members atm) and i would love to have your input and expertise in our group to help shape us for the future. Also a big push for the guild is to create real and lasting friendships since as adults it sorta sucks trying to find friends… at least with mmo’s it brings a lot of like minds together.

anyway that’s my pitch, i hope it’s ok. feel free to hit me up with any questions!

Hello Exdrake. We may have what you are looking for. I am the guild recruiter We were formed in January ahead of the launch. We provide “mediumcore” raiding Tuesday and Friday nights @ 8 pm server time. Dungeon runs are happening daily, farming groups, light role play events, and friendly people, average age around 40. Check us out at www. reguild. org. Message me Mythonhaos#6257 on discord if you have any questions.

Hello, I just want to point out that at 33, you hardly qualify as an “older person.” You are younger than either of my sons.


You just need to roll a male orc anything, then ask in trade for Krigsbjorn for help.

He’ll put you to good use.