Looking for a guild which does not use LOOT COUNCIL


I am interested in joining a guild which uses a system other than a loot council. I am interested in playing a healer, but open to play others. Never played WoW when it was released but have raided everything in more recent times. Thanks.

What’s wrong with loot council? I feel like it keeps people from saving DKP for an item they really want and passing on upgrades even if the raid will benefit the most from that person taking the upgrades.

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It is usually very bias towards players who are part of the inner circle. With 40 people per raid, not all 40 or more (substitutes, because not everyone will show up 100%) will be part of that inner circle. And when that rare item drops, and there are 4 equally deserving players, who do you think it will go to?

I just don’t want to put myself in that situation. I rather go to a more less HC guild, and opt out for a more unbiased system. That’s all.


It doesn’t have to be that way. It all depends on the loot council and the rules they set.

Sure. You don’t have to eat ice cream, because if your diabetes, but you will!

What? That doesn’t make any sense

I am basically sarcastically saying, there are ways thing should be, then there are ways things actually are. Loot Councils are inherently bias. So I just want to find a guild that uses another system.

That metaphor doesn’t really work though. There are plenty of people with diabetes that stick to their diet.

There is a high probability that a loot council will end up bias in some way shape of form. It is human nature to some degree. If if they stay as pure as wind blown snow, other players will begin to think there is. You will likely have a difficult time maintaining your raid group.

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we use points and we have no wait time queues. LegendsOfClassic dot com

Exactly. Thats all I am saying. When that item drops and your best bud who is just a tiny bit lower on the DPS meter looks at you with those big brown eyes ready to brim over with tears, your D will get hard and you will give it to him. It’s human nature. The D > ALL.

What faction / server type / times are you looking for?

Check out -Cult of Personality- on Mankrik PVE. If it sounds like something you’re interested in, get in touch with us!

Our guild uses a hybrid of the Loot Council and /roll system. 3-5 players will be chosen to roll for gear based on metrics in damage/healing numbers, raid attendance, and how big of an upgrade it is for you. The reason we’re doing it like this instead of a traditional loot council is so personal bias can be avoided.

We’re playing on Fairbanks-PvP and are called < Fellowship of the Bling >

If interested, feel free to message me on Discord @ BigCat#0744 or join our server directly at [discord.gg/k5rUYYY]

Hello! We may be up your alley.

We’re on [Stalagg][Alliance][Sat/Sun][8-11PM Eastern] - Main Spec /roll

For more info

I think you have just been part of bad loot councils, transparancy makes all those things go away. The retail guild I ran for years used Loot Council, we just had 2 rotating spots that changed weekly that were non-officers. The guild all got to see how the council worked and be part of it.

That being said, we’ll be doing a suicide kings style system if you’re open to playing Horde. Dakken#1155 on bnet if you’re interested, throw me a friend request

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whats better then loot council ----> [H] Guild Fairbanks LFM's See inside 4 details