Hello there!
[The Fallen Horde] is a Horde raiding guild on Thrall that welcomes a wide variety of player types! We are an active guild both in-game and on Discord. Our goal for raiding is to tackle normal and work towards reaching AoTC if possible. While our raiding goal is progression, having fun is our top priority. We like to joke around with each other and have a good time with whatever we are doing. No matter if it’s raid, keys, old content for achievements, or anything else, we’ll have fun. And we do not put up with drama.
We love helping out our members. All types of players are welcome, whether you’re casual or hardcore, if you’re brand new or a seasoned veteran! We are a group of adults who all have lives and families, and we know sometimes things come up. Have a rotating shift? No problem.
Come see if we’re a good fit for you! We accept all kinds of players and play styles.
Raid Schedule: Tuesday / Wednesday 8:30pm – 11pm Server (EST)
Currently really looking for a few different classes to fill out our team! Currently we have our raid tanks and heals covered, however having DPS with off specs for those roles is always helpful.
Mythic Key Night: Mondays, around 7-8pm server (EST)
We run mythic+ through the week but Monday’s are our Mythic Mondays when most get on to run them.
If you would like to learn more, check out our website: [TheFallenHorde ]
Please feel free to apply on the website for the guild and / or the raid team!
You can also find us in game under the guild finder.
Recruiter Discord: RadShock#6058
We can’t wait to have you come hang out with us and have some fun!