Looking for a guild suitable for a shadow user

Good evening!

There’s a few guilds in mind though I’m not sure of exact specifics on how dark your caster is! Im going to put the one I lead first, since I’m writing a post.

Shadow of Lordaeron:
A Cult of the Damned/Scourge Remnant rp guild! We have a mix of combat rp and also mystery/academic. Currently we’re in more of a military arc (as expected by the Cult trying to regain ground) but we have a huge focus on the scholarly side of necromancy as well as realism (go dig up those corpses)! Our times are a bit off from yours though! We have events at 8:00pm realm (but may be dropping it down to 7:00pm).

Here’s our forum post!

Our guild website is:


House Shadowstorm

The GM of this guild is a good rper and a wonderful person too! They’re definitely on the more hidden side and focused around more of a void/worgen cult! Still, might be up your alley. Their website is:

The Antoran Harbingers:

Legion Remnants? Maybe. Eredar? Certainly. Fel Warlocks? You betcha. They definitely do darker rp. They’re popular and rather big, so it might not fit you exactly, but there is an option!

There’s plenty more around! The world’s the limit! As Kalarek said, look around Stormwind! Good luck out there! Dark Blessings.

Edit Reason: Timothy the Ghoul forgot to format it properly. As such, he has been sent to the saronite pits. Formatting has been added.