Looking for a guild (RP, Goblin?)

You’re in luck! Wyrmrest Accord is home to many guilds that’d be a good fit for your character.

A good place to start would be the Horde Guild Directory. There’s a number of Goblin-centric ones. If you’re more open to guilds that have a more general engineering and/or mercantile bent, then your options open up considerably!

And of course, there’s the amazing Firebrand Enterprises! Of course I am biased.

If you’re just looking to get into the Goblin RP community in general though, you’ll also want to check out the Gadgetzan Gazette Discord Server.

The Goblin Colosseum also has a lot of people on it. Events, guilds, and more get posted on both all the time.

I’d say your best bet though is to hang around the Valley of Honor and keeping an eye out for potential RP. Find who you enjoy hanging out with IC/OOC, and then the decision about which guild will be right for you should become a lot easier to make. Just don’t be surprised if you get multiple offers!

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