Looking for a guild! [H]or[A]

hey guys! So I have had a schedule change and I would very much like a night raiding guild that raid Thurs/Friday/Monday/Tues (obviously doesnt have to be all 4 days! but you catch the drift).

Now I have many 60s some more geared than others:
Holy Priest - Area 52[H]
WW Monk - Area 52[H]
Warlock - Zul’Jin[H]
Warrior/Mage/Hunter - Sargeras[A]
Rogue - Proudmoore[A]
Shaman - Kel Thuzad[A]
Druid - Bleeding Hollow[H]
DH & DK - Tich[H]

So any of those work! BUT I am open to leveling something new on a completely new server for whatever the guild needs that also goes for respecting any of my already made characters. As long as the guild fits my days im willing to roll with whatever class we need! even if its “not meta”.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!

BNET: Carnivvl#1780

Yep! just saw that!

Hi there!

Meme Machine Is a guild on Thrall with an emphasis on Heroic and Mythic progression.

Raid days & times: Weds/Thurs 9PM-11:30PM EST.

Currently 1/10M & 10/10H as a guild with many people having previous mythic experience. Once we get a couple more people to round out the roster it will be easier to move into more Mythic raid progression. Our biggest goal is just to push as far as we can each tier while always helping each other succeed as a guild. RL 5/10M EXP!! Casual players, PvP, Mythic+ everyone is welcome!

Raid is really in need of:
-1 or 2 Healers

Although anyone is welcome to join that wants to run dungeons or just be social, we do have expectations for raiders:
-to be consistent in showing up (if you can’t show up then let us know)
-come prepared for raid (gems, enchants, watched vids, battle pots)
-want to improve on themselves (sim yourself, look up class, ask questions if needed).

Guild culture is welcoming and helpful. We run lots of M+ outside of raid too with many mains having between 2k-2400 IO. Toxicity/drama/elitism will not be tolerated =)

If interested reach out through discord to:

Hey Nightlapse! We are Alliance on Sargeras and looking to add some new guildies to push forward now and later!! Would love to chat about options - info is below! We normally raid Mon/Tues/Thurs but are just on Tues/Thurs for right now over holidays and the end of this current content! Very alt and friend friendly guild - would love to chat! Shadow.

Nox Oriens (10/10H 4/10M SOD) is looking to add 3-4 DPS, main spec healer that can dps and a main tank or dps/tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.

Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams.

Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:

Tempest (Mythic Roster)

Ascendance (Casual Progression)

We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.

We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695

Discord: Shadow#8257

We look forward to hearing from you.


I have a few 60s on sarg if u wanna chat?

Rezzyn I have a 50 shaman on thrall

Still Looking ANY server ANY class, I just need a home and a crew to raid with on

either Thurs/Friday/Mon/Tuesdays!


Seems like most guilds we are on that savage attendance boss and are DEFINITELY recruiting more people for raid and well, community. Here is our shameless Ad below and I added you on Bent if you would like to chat further.


Enshadowed - US THRALL

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm - 11:00pm (EST)

Current Raid Progression:9/10 Heroic (with pulls on Sylvanas, attendance has been dismal - most of us have AOTC, just a matter of having enough bodies to trigger it for Guild)

Contact Info: Bnet - Ree#1799, DISCORD: Kayliee#7155


Enshadowed-US-Thrall is a semi-casual raiding guild, formed in 2008 on US-Wildhammer. We are made up of players with a variety of experience in WoW, from vanilla to new players and most of us have been playing together for a long time over a decade.

We moved to Stormreaver in Mists(which is now sadly severely low-pop) and have transferred to US-Thrall on 3/27/2021 for better recruitment with the goal of attaining AOTC and Mythic Raiding. While getting “Cutting Edge” is not our main goal, we would like to attain the numbers in our roster again to do mythic bosses and work toward it at some point.


• Healers (For raiding and those who can dual spec for Mythic Plus)
• Reliable DPS - we currently have most classes and stress that is it more important for you to enjoy what you play and be good at it - rather than play the meta.

OVER ALL - Invested raiders and team members. We raid only 2 days a week and expect raiders not to be “raid loggers” who simply assume the raid will gear them and only sign on those days. Be punctual, know your class and be courteous about showing up for raid and most of all be “chill” we want to down bosses but have fun doing so.


DPS, Tanks & healers who want to push keys. This is a bonus. We would like to get back to having more than enough people who want to do mythic plus have the opportunity to do so with very little bugging. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE plus.

OVER ALL: Our goal is to push toward attaining KSM for guilds and again not having to pug spots in all possible.


There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, gather mats to your hearts content you can have a home here.

Be an “altoholic” (we have tons of those)~ All we ask as that you be inclusive, nice, and mature. Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community. Enshadowed has been a guild on this game for a long time. We are stable even in the dry spells and our guildies always have a home here when they take a break and come back to the game. We would love to have more friends to add to our family!

Want to know more! Just ask us!

Hello Nightlapse!

Here is our guild information:

WARCRAFT is a highly active Alliance raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

Guild established in March of 2015 and has achieved every AOTC since Highmaul.

Highest need: Tank, DPS (mage, lock), Healer with DPS OS

Current progression: 9/10H, 1/10M

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable and exceptional players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. *We try to provide flasks, pots, gems, and enchants though guild members. If you need something, just ask!

We expect that raiders put gear up for roll if they do not need the item. We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We are primarily a raiding guild offering a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes “triggers” or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)

Hey there, just as a suggestion it may help to post what kind of experience you have raiding and what kind of guild you’re looking for (AOTC? CE? Something in between?) Good luck with the search!

1 Like

Hey there Nightlapse,

I think you’d be a great fit in[The Vending Machine]. We are a small guild currently recruiting on Black Dragonflight. We’re open to guildies playing whatever class they want, we’d rather you have fun then care about “Meta”.
if you’d like to talk more you can reach out to me on Discord at BryguytheFirth#0321 or bnet at Bryguy#11454.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hey there, sent a btag request, would love to chat. Below is my spam

[Inverse Logic] 2/10M 10/10H SoD 4/10M CN** is a tight-knit, semi-hardcore mythic raid guild that focuses on finding a balance between good progression and flexible adult schedules.

Immediate Opening for a healer that can flex to dps when needed

We offer an inclusive, non-toxic environment with an active Discord, alt runs, and Monday night M+ for those who would otherwise miss out on a 15 in the vault. We are committed to maintaining an equally laid back and competitive atmosphere, where you can enjoy an after-work beer with friends and still clear some content! We are semi-hardcore, meaning we will expect you to play to the best of your ability and be continually working to master your class. We also understand that real life comes first. We are a team of parents, working professionals, and students who understand that sometimes you’re just going to miss the raid. We will work with you if something comes up or your schedule changes–as long as you communicate!

At this time, our goal is to achieve AOTC and semi-casually pursue CE each tier.

Raid times are Tues & Thurs 8p - 11p Eastern.

** We are actively recruiting:

High Need*

  • 1 dps with a healer offset that can flex when needed*


  • Warlock - High
  • Shadow Priest - High
  • Boomkin - High
  • Mage - High

Social applicants do not need to be any specific class or spec! If you appreciate the environment we’ve established and think you would enjoy your time in our guild, you’re more than welcome to get in touch.

What we offer:

  • Flasks, food, and repairs for raid night.
  • Constructive feedback inside and outside of raid.
  • Guild Mythic+ every Monday at 8pm server.
  • Laid back, adult environment.
  • An active Discord community.
  • A family of players who love playing with each other!

What we’re looking for:

  • Players with current or previous AOTC experience.
  • Performance-minded players who will work on their play outside of raid.
  • Team players who enjoy working with others.
  • Players who would enjoy a semi-hardcore approach to progression.
  • Players who have are at least 226 ilvl with appropriate enchantments, and have crafted a level four or higher legendary.

We are open to merging with a smaller team of similar progression to field a stable, semi-casual mythic progression team.

Btag - Doctersauce#1397 - GM (me), Blyss#1722 (Recruitment Officer)
Discord - Doctersauce#4910 - GM (me), Blyss#1722 (Recruitment Officer)

Well Hello there Nightlapse! My name is Wolfestyle and I am the GM of a late night raiding guild. I seen you can raid on Thurs/Fri which are our raid nights so I will drop you our guild info. I aslo sent you a BT request.

[A]”No Fun” 10/10H SoD US-Proudmoore recruiting members to strengthen our raid team for current raid tier and 9.2.

We are a low drama adult guild with a nice atmosphere and helpful members. We have been around for over 4 years and are into our 12th tier as a guild and plan to be around for a lot longer. The guild has achieved AOTC each tier with some mythic kills to boot.

Are members enjoy raiding, torghast, running mythic +, events, transmog runs, achieve runs, and a few even like arena and bg’s

Raid times Thurs/Fri 10pm-1am PST

For more info contact

BT Armageddon#1703 Toon name Wolfestyle

Discord Armageddon#2397

Talk to you soon.

Hello Nightlapse,
[A] Children of Mayhem (Spinebreaker) is a close group of friends and an older community (average age is mid-forties). We raid Heroic (7/10) Tuesday/Wednesday and have a Fun night ALT raid night Sunday nights. We run M+'s and other content on the regular. Our raid Night and times or 6:30-9:30 pm CST and Sundays are 5:30-8 pm CST.

Hello there Nightlapse.

[Area-52, Horde] [1/10M] [10/10H] Is a newish semi-hardcore raiding guild with a mission to achieve [Cutting Edge]. Self improvement and self accountability is a must, while pushing to clear content in a timely manner. We have a very active Discord, and leadership with Cutting Edge experience.

We have immediate core spots open to push current content. All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your role is not listed. Spots are competitive and effort will be rewarded.

Our short term goal is to achieve Cutting Edge and then push to ultimately becoming a top US 200 guild. All of our leader ship sports cutting edge experience. Our raid lead is 10/10 Mythic SoD (current tier).

Currently Looking for:
Flex Tanks
Flex Healers

Raid days are Tuesday/Thursday. 7:45PM-11PM EST

What we expect from you:

If given a raid spot. Be committed to your role in raid.
Be reliable, show up to raid on time and notify leadership (at least 6 hours ahead of time) if you can’t make it! 95% attendance is key.
Be prepared, show up to raid with: consumables, gems, along with gear that is fully gemmed and enchanted.
Respect everyone’s time and effort (this is basically a teamwork building game)!
Be adept and know how to play your character (using all of your spells and attacks correctly and efficiently).
-Knowledge of all the boss fights in the current tier.

Apply through Discord
Discord Invite Code: [8nhMUVk3FD]