Looking for a guild [H]

hi guys i just rerolled a druid here and i am looking for a guild. I am kind of new to the whole rp thing but i want to give it an honest try. I do not have alot of time to play due to 6 day a week work schedule and school 5 days but i want something other than mythic pluses to do currently. I do want to be a bear druid.

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Hello! Welcome to Horde side

If you went Tauren Druid, check out the posts on Redwood Tribe. We just ran a 2v2 dueling tournament last night, host a monthly storytelling event open to all, run pvp and pve events, and are always doing something.

In game, /who redwood to chat with us

he is a tauren druid his name is thornhide. i am debating on his first name. hes is going to aline towards the druid of the claw. im trying to think of a back story to for me

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my discord handle is Winter#3381 and I’m one of the officers of Redwood. We would love for you to check us out. Or message me for more information

Now that I’m home:
www.redwoodgaming.com for info on the tribe
www.redwoodtimesonline.com for an online newspaper about what is happening on the server